What is your weirdness?

What is your weirdness?

Mine is that I like to be alone...quite a bit!

Those around me, esp those I work with, can see me as high energy, outgoing maybe & could associate that with being an extrovert. The thing is I’m not!

At times I have struggled with my identity & wondered why I am lively one minute & a loner the next. Who can like my own space a bit too much & be unreliable for social occasions.

I can feel guilty that I let people down when I agree to an event that feels & sounds exciting & yet when it arrives I feel very different. I don’t want to be amongst crowds, groups or sometimes even with one person. I don’t want to make small talk, bring the “energy”, or be the coach & support person etc. I am inconsistent with that & imagine it gives out very mixed messages. I myself receive those mixed messages too!! You should be in my head sometimes! Ha!

I have a fine line between revelling in the company of others to wanting to be by myself, candle lit, book or music & quality snacks!

I hang with cool peeps personally & professionally many who are “active” high achievers. Some are on the constant go, get an amazing amount of things done & seem to very rarely act like I do when it comes to social interaction & activities. My introverted friends are more social than me!

Whilst I am not a typical “introvert” I am someone who can feel over stimulated around others & so pull back to protect my energy. I love people but at the same time I can feel exhausted by them. It’s a weird thing to understand let alone describe. A paradox. Can you relate?

I have been asking myself why & as I unpacked this I believe this challenge is partly caused from a variety of “conditioning” factors. Factors that have taught us & tell us things like: be committed, be reliable, be consistent.

Well, I can tell you that I struggle with those & my internal voice & some external have told me that is the way to win goals, achieve things, go where you want to go etc. But I say RUBBISH to that. Not on behalf of others but rubbish to me.

I wouldn’t be the coach I am if I did conform or led others to conform to conditioning narratives, that at best, might suit 80% of the population.

So, my main message from this share of my “weirdness” is…never feel you have to be a certain way to create the success & dreams you wish. Embrace your crazy weirdness & all it’s quirks. They are unique to you; your magic & I LOVE accentuating the uniqueness & weirdness of all my clients.

There is not a size/shape or rule book that fit us all. What is YOUR way & YOUR path that brings you joy & a feeling of personal success?

Shine bright you crazy diamond, you social animal, you quiet reflector, you over achiever, you outgoing noisy one, you quiet watch from the back of the room one. What ever re energises you & fuels you, albeit calm zen spaces or brightly lit loud ones (it can be a combo), they are perfect for YOU.

Break every rule to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!


Lessons from Beckham