The many benefits of books & reading

A “being” hack to help keep you in your zone of genius & purpose. 🖤

The many benefits of books & reading. How to stay in your zone of genius without over actioning & tiring yourself.

The photo shows my latest book acquisitions. I am an avid researcher, always curious & I am attracted to books that align with my work & my interests of people & behaviour. #canbeanerd

I believe reading is an underestimated grounder, wellbeing tool & creative relaxant. Not to mention what it delivers to us in rewards of current information & expert ideas of those who master their craft.

For those of you that often struggle to slow down & switch out, reading what you feel passionate about, or want to know more on, can often allow you to slow down yet stay in your zone of genius, where you feel most creative & motivated.

I think too often we can hear that it’s important, especially for high achievers, to switch right out from your work. However, if your purpose is tied up in your work & you love what you do (& I sincerely hope you do), it’s not an easy switch. Therefore, I would recommend rather than staying in constant “action” & visibility on what your purpose is, which can lead to being worn out or burnt out… that you arm yourself with some reading material on what makes you fizz & buzz & get your fix that way on a regular basis.

It doesn’t have to be books as such, it might be articles or online commentary from those you respect & are interested by, even podcasts or keynotes. The unique topics that speak to you. It will still feed your soul, constantly provide new information & ideas & yet calm that constant “doing”. Reading is much more about “being”.


TOO MANY HOURS ON THE TOOLS? The poisonous effect of regularly working long hours.


Are you THRIVING? Really are you?