Kindness & Compassion does not equal soft & gooey
The words kind & compassion are used a great deal to describe “worthy” leaders & “good” people. I’m keen to add my penny.
Acting with kindness & compassion does not equal soft & gooey.
Just because you are “strong”, “direct”, “outspoken”, “opinionated” or whatever other words have been used to describe you (or you describing you), does NOT mean you are not also kind & compassionate. We all communicate with different styles & varied voices. Being passionate & fierce is a style, being softer & firm is a style. The style isn't usually the issue. It’s the intention & authenticity behind your actions that matters.
Some clients share that maybe they are too much for some & berate themselves for coming across too strong. Especially from women as we are more conditioned to being quieter, polite or more nurturing. Nurturing is being a truth teller, it’s being honest & real.
Please don’t apologise for your style. It’s YOU. It’s part of your truth. Hey & yes if it needs a little less trigger, a little less bark/bite, a little less impatience & a bit more listening…then that’s different. That can be worked be on with you still keeping your authenticity, passion, personality & voice intact.
We can all act with kindness & compassion no matter how loud or quiet our voices.