Do you lead a Senior Team?
Are you capitalising on the huge amount of talent in the room with you?
I often witness such incredible talent and smarts around a table just swapping figures and reporting on what is required. Arrghhh!! Many of these people have incredible wasted or not tapped into talent just sitting there, drying up. The result - they can get bored, critical and demotivated or worse…you lose them.
If you lead a team do you know how to really tap into their smarts and challenge them to keep growing and flexing their natural success muscles. They are not just sitting there to be a reporting channel they are often strategic, clever, creative powerhouses. Getting them to be more involved and to lean into the direction and vision of the company will not only assist you in leading and succeeding but will also empower them to develop more of their lane. Invite them in to show you what they are truly capable of and witness just how much more engaged, productive and positive they become. Be their coach, not just their leader.
I have been working with some teams in designing and developing their own project/business side hustle (away from the usual BAU) within their organisation that will not only give them visibility at more levels inside the business but also can create an awesome legacy that they are proud to be involved with. I have loved watching the results and the joy of engagement, creativity and involvement of these peeps.
I fully appreciate that time and capacity is often limited when it comes to developing and empowering teams due to so many other deliverables required and balls to juggle. However, as their leader, it doesn’t need to take much of your time; more a slight shift in how you work with them. It’s more about a small correction in priorities and focus. Wasting or not utilising talent at a senior level is a travesty and sadly all too common.
Maybe one of the areas of focus for 2021 is to fully engage your team in showcasing ALL of what they have to offer. Flexing more of their abundance for the good of them, you and the organisation.
Let me know if you need a hand or guide with this. Happy to chat / brainstorm ideas!
Lesley Colcord: Coach to top of gamers.
Providing wellbeing/de-stress hacks and boundaries for high achievers. Helping you stay at the top of your game and be a master of your craft without compromising LIFE. Supporting you being creative, energetic, well and living an abundant life professionally and personally 🖤