World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. I didn't know that until after I had written these words this morning, so all the more reason for publishing.

This morning I went for a walk in the Auckland sunshine to breathe in some space, some air and create some positive vibes. Except it didn’t create those vibes. It was an, in your face, reminder of our dilemma. It was a magnifier on all that is ugly about our situation and didn’t make me feel like it supported my wellbeing at all.

At home, protected by my walls, I can pretend that what is happening here is not that bad and that we are doing our bit for the greater good blah blah blah. I’m sorry to have to rain on any parade today but there is nothing about this right now that feels like it’s helping the greater good.

This is just my share and is not an opinion piece to invite varied justification messages of our situation … it’s a vent. A personal vent and is where I invite any of you to put your hands up with me. If you are trying to keep it all together and trying to look and sound positive when underneath you’d rather scream, cry or hide under the duvet…it’s OK.

We’re human and this lockdown sucks…badly!

I have a great job and a great place to live and work from and I often sing out the “grateful” mantra. However right now…sorry not grateful!! I am witnessing friends, clients and family struggling like I’ve never seen before. This has hit the heart of our resilience or whatever label we may use to show “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”! My "going gets tough" has left the building! And I’m sure many of you feel the same.

Yes many of us will just keep on keeping on, and we'll get through this, but saying you’re fine, when actually you're angry, shitty or sad is no longer required in front of me. If you’re shitty and you know it clap your hands!! 🤪 👏


Employee health


Sharing Monday Feel Good Vibes