2021: End of year sign off
I sent out a version of this message as an end of year sign off to the wonderful humans that are my clients/referrers/friends and thought that I’d also like to share my sentiments on here.
I am not going to sign off this year with statements on what a crazy year it was… whoops I guess I just did. We’ve all heard that many times over I’m sure.
My word for 2021 was ABUNDANCE. And boy did it certainly deliver; both in the positive and the negative. I am so very grateful for all of it as the negative bits made the positives more joyful, more grateful and helped me be more reflective and therefore, intentional.
From a lighter hearted place from me to all of you that I have engaged with on LinkedIn over this past year, I’d just like to say THANK YOU. I am grateful for you and for this platform. I have been inspired, motivated, educated, surprised, concerned, emo and most of all… connected, which was especially precious as for many of us human connection was limited for quite some time and my work is all about connection. 🧡
Every year I learn more and more about the challenges and joys that high performing achievers experience…and I have come to understand that the joy often comes out of a large hairy challenge!
To be happy in what we do and in how we live and show up, we push ourselves to: make a difference, be different, think outside squares, challenge the status quo, be non conforming, be listeners, be speakers, be guides, be students, be wise counsel, be wisely counselled, connect to what serves us best, disconnect to what doesn’t, take risks, play safe, speed up, slow down and constantly check in to our legacy and our purpose.
So you spectacular group of humans, I encourage you to continue on that wonderful path, keep doing amazing things that bring a feeling of ABUNDANCE and at the same time treat yourself with much CARE and love and know that... we are here to love what we do and to love who we are even more!
Keep BEING awesome! Merry Christmas and see you in 2022!
Oh and BTW my word for 2022 is CARE. 🧡