Your unique mix of strengths are your super power!

Your unique mix of strengths are your super power!

There’s insane power and energy in intentionally using your natural talents and strengths.

The list of weaknesses is never ending, and you know what?

Even if you did get better at them you’d still be average. In contrast, there’s only a few things that you’ll be really good at and uniquely wired for.

Too much negative energy can be spent on improving some weaknesses, where as you will have boundless energy to spend on your strengths. It’s your flow state.

Focusing on your strengths allows your uniqueness, to shine. It’s authentic.

Here’s 2 powerful ways to do that.

1️⃣ Accept yourself and know your natural strengths

Leadership is not a one size fits all.

Get clarity on what it is you uniquely offer. What are your standout strengths? (Top 5?)

Choosing your own path and gently standing in the power of that reaps great rewards right across all our success and wellbeing pillars.

There’s no shortage of people showing you the gap between what you did, and what you could have done, but often that is based on their own lens and how they would do something. THEY AREN”T YOU!

Leaning into your natural strengths not only creates flow and plays to your personal best it also creates a stronger sense of calm versus the tension of trying to do or be something that doesn’t fit you. That’s exhausting!

2️⃣ Organise around your strengths and intentionally aim them

There’s a lot of ‘shoulds’ in leadership. I should do this. I should be that. When you know what you’re good at, work out the best way for YOU to do it.

Stay in your zone of genius.

Yes there will always be skills to learn, things to improve, ideas to re think, but they shouldn’t bend you out of shape.

Leaning into your strengths and organising around them is a game changer.

Which of these do you have the biggest challenge with?




Are you a HUMAN centred leader?