Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when developing your true self.
When is the right time to take on a coach?
Preferably well before you feel you need one. A great time to work with a coach is before the overwhelm hits, before the sudden feeling of upset, crisis, burn out or groundhog day.
BOUNDARIES - How are yours looking?
"I'll say NO, but thank you for thinking of me." 2021 Mantra?
One of my pet coaching topics that I tend to bang on about when given just half a chance is saying NO more often than not! Why is this? Well…
Performing Under Pressure? Strength + Vulnerability = Resilience
Just in these last 2 weeks I have received an incredible dose of encouragement and good feels by watching 3 NZ documentaries. Each doco has showcased that being strong means being vulnerable too and that if you are just strong you may well buckle under the pressure that creates.
Kindness & Compassion does not equal soft & gooey
The words kind & compassion are used a great deal to describe “worthy” leaders & “good” people. I’m keen to add my penny.
Acting with kindness & compassion does not equal soft & gooey.
Ikigai : a mindful life : the happiness of always being busy
Ikigai : Roughly translated means “a reason for being” or “the happiness of always being busy”
Whilst studying Ikigai I have come across some info on how important close bonds, made by being part of a local community and the benefits from this community, are for our wellbeing and furthermore, our longevity.
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